Rolling Sound!
A new upcoming and terrifying short film has been shot! Soon it will enter post production and it’ll be a chilling experience!
A new upcoming and terrifying short film has been shot! Soon it will enter post production and it’ll be a chilling experience!
Another short film made in collaboration with the Over Film Production is finished! The final mix brings the post-production of Mind The Gap to a close. Congratulations to everybody!
The recent production of the Over Film Production is coming… right from the beautiful city of London.
The film Seedling has been selected to the Montecatini International Short Film Festival and it has been awarded for the “Best Production”! I am very proud to see this film doing so well!
The film Seedling has been selected to the Košice International Monthly Film Festival! Another great milestone reached by this great film, congratulations and good luck!
The first short film in collaboration with the Over Film Production won the Best Original Score at the Monthly Film Festival! Congratulations to William Capizzi and to the whole team!
Seedling was nominated to the Monthly Film Festival in the following categories:
In the following months I’m gonna be preparing and buying new equipment for the new upcoming studio.
The finished version of the film has been submitted and it's ready to hit the various theaters and festivals! We will follow its journey around the globe with much interest, stay tuned!
A brand new production with the Over Film Production is ready for the Post Production! This time we went from the beautiful city of London to our beloved Ticino. Thanks to everyone involved during the shooting on the location and around it.
The production of the first collaboration with the new born Over Film Production is complete! Thanks to everyone involved during the shooting on the location and around it. Next stop Post Production! See you there!
Sometimes Christmas arrives a little bit later… Finally a new Recorder has been added to the family! I am proud of my new Sound Devices MixPre 10T and I really want to use it as soon as possible. Happy new year everybody!
The first of a series of packages has arrived! I will slowly begin to open an editing suite for my freelancing works. There is a plan for the future…
I still can’t believe that today we graduate! I want to say thanks to all my instructors for everything they taught me and I’m sure today it will be an incredible day. I’m looking at the future with more confidence now and let’s hope it will be brighter than ever!
We’re so close to the end of this incredible year! It has been a beautiful journey full of learning and fun. I am surprised how fast this last month has been and I’m pretty sure that we will finish really soon.
I just received my new toy! I bought a beautiful software for sound design called Kyma made by Symbolic Sound and it’s AMAZING! I’m really looking forward to play and experiment with it.